
8:42 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I should be studying for my lab final test! however! I am just not focusing very well right now! my first semester of my last year is drawing to a close! I am so happy!!! One whole month of Christmas break sounds fabulous!!!!!! I sprained my ankle 3 days before my last game of my life! that happened about 3 weeks ago, but I still can't really run! it's weird not working out..thats always been a huge part of my life! I have done some things, but it's not the same! I was sad when it happened because I couldn't play my last game 100%, but I know things happen for a reason. It showed me that we cannot anticipate the future, and it also reminded me to not get angry at God when bad stuff happens. and it taught me that soccer has always been a big part of my life, but it isn't my identity! and it reminded me to be tough! and also, I think facing adversity often makes you stronger! you succeed if you don't face challenges!

today in class I had an epiphany! My Evangelical Theology teacher said something along these lines...Some people are so loving, and they want to show the people they care about their love. These people go above and beyond. However, these people are often taken advantage of. They desire so badly to show their love, but they often are the ones that feel lonely and taken for granted."
I feel like I am a loving person, I enjoy doing things for others, and encouraging others. But sometimes I feel exhausted from trying so hard to please and bring joy to others. Sometimes I feel taken advantage of. Not so much these days because I am more assertive than I used to be. My teacher then said Jesus always shows love, but is often deserted. He shows love unconditionally, and I often neglect Him. I often forget to thank Him for what He has done for me. I often am too busy for Him. I sometimes just forget about him.
I know what it feels like when I do something kind for someone, and they don't acknowledge it..its similar with God. No matter what we do, His love is everlasting. No love can compare to His. So when I feel sad when I don't feel love reciprocated back, I need to remember that God is always sending His love, even when I forget to love Him back! interesting!

Friday was our Dance at school! it was super fun!! It was Pride and Predjudice themed so we did those kinda dances! Here are some pics from the dance!

I got to talk to annie today!! She is home from Africa!!! we talked on the phone for two hours, and we are still not caught up!! I am gonna see her next week! we are going to go to the Plaza in Kansas City! I am so stoked!!!

Okay finally! This is for you Susan Greathouse!!! this picture was taken before you went to Ireland!! I miss you a lot! you are the reason I have a blog!! you will be home soon and I can't wait to see you!!!!

Winter doldrums meets JOY!

1:15 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hiiiii! it's almost Christmas time! which is my FAVORITE time of the year! however, I realized I do not actually like winter weather! well...I like snow, but just bitter cold. uhhhh-no thanks! I love summer time! going swimming everyday, working out in the brisk mornings, or running in the middle of the day with the intense sun! or going on a late night bike ride when it's still warm and its dark until 10 pm! now...it gets dark at 5:00 pm! omg! that leaves no time for fun! and I don't think cold is romantic weather! and you can't wear fun party dresses because you have to mask them with big cumbersome jackets! and FINALS are during winter! I have 6 papers due this week! Even though I do not like this bitterly cold weather...I will have JOY! because Christ's joy runs through me always! not just when the weather is nice!! Joy can't be situational! So bring on the frigid weather, and dry hair and pale skin....weeeeeee!

okay, so I haven't been online shopping except for christmas presents lately..because I am working on improvement!! but I DID just make a coooooool purchase! one of my fav tv shows, pretty little liars has the best fashion! I saw this owlita pheasent earring on the show and was instantly captivated! chhhhheck it out!

I think it's awesome! Mine looks a little different though! more vibrant!

last night was the Christmas parade! JBU had an athlete float, so I walked in it!! It was soooo fun! this is a picture from last year's parade! I was with my TWO most fav people in the world! erica and annie!!!

My hair is so much longer now!! Annie wasn't at the parade because she is in Africa!! but I think she gets back today!! I am so excited, I have missed her so much! the wonderful thing about our friendship is that distance does not have an impact on our friendship! same with Erica, she lives in Russelville now..but we are still just as close as we were when we became best friends in middle school! I love her so much! I have known her longer than any of my friends, and I hope we stay close forever!!!! that's the thing about genuine friendships..if you want them to last they will! but it takes effort from both parties! I know there are people in my life that I will know forever! I hope so anyways :) I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life!!

okay, some of my favorite people in the whole wide world are the little girls I coach!!!!! they mean so much to me!! I have done private lessons for about 15 different girls, and each one is unique, and has different talents. right now, I am coaching five girls several days a week, and on the weekends they compete in 3v3 tournaments! Our team name is Kidd's Kids!! Yesterday, they competed in a tournament and got second place!! I was so proud of them!! I feel more joy coaching them then I ever did playing!! I love seeing them play with passion, and it makes me happy when they encourage one another, and I love how coachable they are! I hope I have a little girl that is just like them!! okay, here is a picture of us at the tournament!

okay, last thing! I love my momma!!! we have been watching movies together today, and I was just thinking I am really glad I have her as my mom! I am very thankful for her, and sometimes I don't think I do a good enough job conveying how grateful I am for her! Her love for her family is the absolute best depiction of Christ's love that I have ever seen!! to me, love is when you would do anything for the one you love, and you always put that person before yourself. and when they are sad or when they are hurting, you are too! and when you love someone, just being in their presence is enough! Those are just a few elements of love, there is a lot more to it...but I think those things are imperative parts of love! here's my mom! and that's Renee Buckminster! I love her too, she is one of my mom's best friends, and I think of her as a great friend too!! I look up to her so much! I want to be like my mom and Renee when I grow up!


12:28 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
for me, deep contemplation comes most naturally late at night. Can't sleep right now, and I am thinking what is wrong with my life? I think I have been going through the motions a bit too much. Since soccer has ended, I have had this feeling that I could coast by. stay up as late as I want because I don't "need" energy for soccer, put off school work because without soccer I have more "free time", wasting my time doing pointless things, when I could be productive. I've had this feeling, no need to eat health soccer is over, I don't have to work out, I am not trying to stay in shape for anything...yes, I guess I am just making the transition, but tonight it hit me. I do not want to be mediocre, I want to be great. Not because of my own good deeds, but because of God. I don't want to take what He has granted me and waste it. I don't want to be anything less than what He wants from me. Yes, there will be times I fail, like now...but I want to emerge stronger than before I fell. I can't let stupid distractions take over, I need to keep my focus. because when my focus is Christ, then everything else falls into place correctly. when I let other things take over, the light in me quickly dims. today was a good reality check. being impetuous got me again, and it had me thinking, why? why am I hasty? I think its because I love fun, I love excitement, I love happiness. However, cheap fun and happiness can come quickly...but the fun and excitement that comes from Christ is real...temporary fun cannot compare to eternal life. therefore, my heart must be patient. I must not waste my time on foolish things. I need to keep my priorities right. my judgement gets clouded sometimes, but thank goodness its only temporary. I think today is a good day for change. today my focus will be on Christ, I will not get lazy, I will not become apathetic. I will have passion, determination, and strength to conquer anything. I want to do my best in everything I attempt... humbling experiences are often necessary for growth. there were no exclamation marks in this entry, so sorry...maybe I am feeling serious, but I think one exclamation mark is due so here it goes!!!!! okay maybe more than one was needed!

also, I love my cousin katie paige!! she is so wonderful, and she is great to talk to! even though we live hundreds of miles away, she is close in my heart and I will love her always!!!! okay here is us on christmas last year!! i can't wait until I get to see her! just threeeeeee more weeks!!!!!

10:25 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
hiiiiii!! look at me, two posts in one week! it's me again!!
we finished number 2 in conference! weeeeeeee I wish we would have got second, but it's okay because we all grew a lot during the season! Our first game in the conference tournament is Saturday! so hopefully it will go great! we have three girls that tore their ACL's! it's so sad! I feel so bad for them because I know how they feel :( it was one of the hardest times in my life, but I grew so much during that time....I am glad it happened! one of my favorite places in the world is 3dpt, and I went there for my rehab! 3dpt is not only a physical therapy place, but it also targets fitness. I learned how to work out better, and really began enjoying it! I loved the positive atmosphere, and I loved encouraging other people that working out or getting treatment! I realized that I wanted to become a personal trainer...because I love people, I love working out, and I love sharing what I have learned about fitness and training!!!! so I think God put that in my path so I would realize his plan for me!! at the time of my injury I was an education major...but after that experience I switched to exercise studies ..and I am soooo very happy now!!!!! I have never been more passionate about anything, and I am so excited to graduate so I can start my career!! sooo I know the girls that tore their ACL's will learn a lot, and I think God had this happen for a reason. I know they will struggle, but I hope they also find hope...and success rehabing!

okay that's whats on my mind today!! peace and love!

Sorry for the Delay.

8:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hey!!! sorry its been a while! guess I have been too busy living life instead of writing about it! well, I have my last official soccer game tomorrow!! we will finish in second place if we win! Then we have the SAC tournament and if we win that...Nationals BABY! I think if we make it to nationals ...I think my team and I should make NATIONALS 2010 shirts!!! maybe a beautiful color combo like....hot pink and baby blue...or neon yellow and purple...or just something crazy and bright!! it's been a good season, I def lost interest at one point, and then my desire was reignited...but it was a rather tumultuous journey! Now its coming to a close. I will miss my friendships, I will miss racing defenders to the balls, taking shots, making passes, and pushing people out of the way to get the ball. I will miss conditioning and working out with goals in mind. after soccer is over, I will work out for pure enjoyment...I think I will stay in shape, but it will be different..I think I will forsake my thunder-thighs, and be more toned with less muscle.
I am very thankful for my friendships this year!! of course my best friends Erica and Annie are awesome, and my cousin, Katie, is the bomb! but I am also very thankful for other friendships that have grown stronger this year! A few that actually live in the same town as me.... My friend Cam has been awesome, we think a lot alike, but we are totally different. she always makes me laugh! she is the funniest person I know! and I think she is very cool, she has her own style which I really admire! I also have my own style.... but we are totally different! Emily is great too! she loves Halloween, and it cracks me up! she is one of the smartest people I know! and she hates being stereotyped as a blonde soccer player. she is so much deeper than that. she has such a complex mind that makes her so interesting! she is so unpredictable, yet I understand her completely! Heather is my closest friend that doesn't play soccer. we don't hang out as often because we are both busy, but when we get together we can talk for hours!! we are so girly together always getting our nails done, going shopping, hot tubbing, and having girl talk! she has amazing style and is an artist. her eye make up is a work of art! she is super fun, and we love being together! everyone on my soccer team is awesome, I think thats what I will miss most about it ending. because I love each one of them so much. Ashleigh, my old roommate is so fun, she is also really hilarious, and one of the most talented people I know! she can do hair, make up, cook/bake the most amazing things, and do a million other weird but super cool things. she is really goofy, but can also be very serious. I think she is brilliant as well. I am very thankful for Camille because she was my work out partner this summer and we encouraged each other a lot. we are both really ambitious and its refreshing to be around someone that is also really goal-oriented. she is often misunderstood because I think she is one of the sweetest people I know and has a good heart. needless to say, I love and adore my friends...and I am so appreciative of them!! God puts people in your life for a reason!!!!! and each of my friends are different and I don't think they would all be friends with each other, but they each bring something special into my life!

oh! I am reading a book called.. CRAZY LOVE....recommended by my assistant coach and friend, Michaela Brannan! I am LOVING it...it's totally reminding me how selfish I am! my only purpose is to love God and spread His love!!! life gets so complicated and I inflict unnecessary stress upon myself. I just need to glorify God. I am still in the beginning of it..but I will write more about it on my next entry!

finally, I came to a realization...I replaced being a chocoholic.....with....online shopping!!! i love it!! I think I am always waiting on something I ordered in the mail. as soon as I receive my package..I get online to buy something else! currently I am waiting in the mail for....shampoo/conditioner, lip gloss, a sweater, boots, and I think thats all. yep. I am addicted. I decided tonight its bad. I need to fix it. i need to save money...not be so frivolous! it's also selfish because its stuff I don't need, and I just talked about how I am selfish and thats bad.... well I admitted my guilt and I will being working to alleviate my problem.

okay, I am done! peace and love!!

far away

6:15 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I loved today, because the weather was beautiful! It is getting cold, and that means its time for a new season!

I had a blast at Erica's bridal shower this weekend! She is already married, but has her actual ceremony is in less than a month!!! I stayed at her duplex, and it's so cute! but it occurred to me today that we won't get to have slumber parties with just anymore, and when she comes to visit it just won't be the same.
My cousin, Katie, is getting married too! I am her maid of honor! I can't wait to see her at Christmas, it will be our last time together before she gets married...so it won't be the same either! we always stay up late, and watch movies, and just have so much fun!

I already really miss Erica because I won't get to see her for a long time! and I miss my cousin, Katie! and I miss Annie, I haven't seen her since July, and she is leaving for Africa in just a few days! She will be doing a medical missions trip! I am so excited for her!!! and I miss my dad and brother.
So many people I feel so close to..are far away. I miss them all so much! but I am thankful for my brother, sister-in-law, momma, the little girls I coach, the people at 3DPT, and all my other great friends who I DO get to see each day! and I love them all so much! I want to make sure I do a great job showing them my love and thankfulness! sometimes we forget to appreciate the special things we do have, when we are consumed by missing what's not around.

Halo by Beyonce is my favorite song today, it's just so beautiful...

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

From Caramel to Chocolate

5:38 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
This school year is all about change! I am actually doing my homework this year, and putting that before social engagements (which anyone that knows me...knows I always pick having fun before school) NOT this year! I just don't want to fail any classes and have to come back next year! that would be awful!!

Soccer is going great! my knee feels amazing and I am having so much fun! my feet hurt from wearing high heels though...I probably shouldn't wear them, but they are so dang cute!

I dyed my hair chocolate brown!! I like it...got super tired of those sunny highlights! summer is over! I think it was caramel brown, before....so I call it chocolate now! I will put up a picture later :)

it's blurry because it's on my iphone!! but you get the point.....chocolate!!!!!!


9:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I love the weekends! I have had so much fun with my friends this week! I love love my friends :) I keep forgetting to take pictures though! normally I love too, guess I am too busy having fun to take pics! I just got back from church, and I totally feel inspired! I LOVE when a good sermon makes you want to change your heart follow God's plan for you more! I think that's the way church should be! tonight we learned about dreams, and how we should strive for the best...and never give up! I started thinking about my dreams, and I tried to identify what is most important! I dream of becoming a personal trainer, and I really want to help people improve their self-image and help them alter their lifestyles! and I want a family, and to be a wonderful wife and a loving mommy!! but then I started thinking about God's purpose for me, and how I can apply that to my life. I have to follow His will for me! I think He wants me to use the gifts He has bestowed upon me to help others! and I want to do that! the pastor said there are five necessary things you need to for dreams to become reality! lets see if I remember them....

1) desire
2) risk
3) encouragement
4) availability
5) mystery

yay! I remembered! well I have to have the desire to dream, gotta be willing to lose it all to become what I need to be, gotta have encouragement from fellow believers, gotta be available! and this one is the hardest for me. MYSTERY! ahhhh that word is so scary....this comes from someone who would wrap her own Christmas presents so their would be no surprise! the unknown terrifies me! I am a planner, I am supposed to know what's going to happen! however, God is def working on that with me. He knows it's my weakness, and he is teaching me to be easy-going, flexible, and relaxed....so hard though! I need to marry someone spontaneous so he balances me! well there ya go those are the five necessary things to fulfill dreams! so exciting!! :)

rainbow sugar

10:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

I got the iphone 4 today! woohoo! I love it :) I think I will name her, Natalia! it means being born on Christmas...and well. I was born on Christmas! and it's my phone! Natalia.

We had our first official game yesterday! it went great! we tied in double-overtime, shoulda won..but it was still a great game!! Since I played my very hardest (and felt like a zombie today) I decided to try making something delicious! so here is my newest creation! sugar cookies with a homemade frosting glaze!

I know. it looks like a rainbow threw up...I didn't bake the cookies long enough so it was basically like putting my yummy frosting on dough. I might try again tomorrow and make them better!

new new new

9:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
first day of school was fun! I love my classes, and I have lots of friends in them! I still miss my best friend, Annie, there is an emptiness without her here! my other best friend, Erica, is married now! I am so happy for her, she looked gorgeous. they are truly in love! it's so wonderful and happy to see! true love is such a beautiful thing to witness! I had a scrimmage tonight for soccer! it wasn't spectacular. our first touch was off, and we were tired from a million two-a-days! we still won, but it wasn't attractive soccer! I took a five hour energy shot before, and it just made me thirsty! I also felt jittery, but not more energetic. unless I can start playing soccer with a camelback attached, I am done with those things! they make you parched! new beginnings have the potential to be great, it's all about how you look at it! new school year...I don't want to be in Arkansas or at JBU...at all. but I am excited for this year. I hope it is my best yet! I'll be 22, and that's my soccer number, and my favorite number that exists!


3:33 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Summer is done! I am so sad! summer is my favorite time of the year! I love doing what I want to do! I personally am not a fan of the whole academic thing! I love summer because I always have ambitions of change. I enjoy taking fourth months to become a better person inside and out! now, as I have strived to be a better person this whole summer, I will be now face challenges this school year, and I hope I conquer them! at church Sunday the speaker said, you must surrender your whole life to God, not just parts of it. My whole life I feel like I haven't been 100% vulnerable, and I haven't fully submitted my life to Him. It's a slow process of giving your whole heart to Him, and that's what I am doing now. I want my words to represent Him, I want my actions to be a reflection, and I want my thoughts to make Him happy! Besides getting caught up in soccer, and school, and maintaining strong friendship, I want that to be my focus! and with Him, I can handle the mundane classes, and brutal practices! I hope though my friends and family hold me accountable by my actions! I know I don't want to go back to school, but I am going to try to make it a great year! and then I outta here! finally!!!

whipped cream

9:48 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Okay, I promise to make this a happier post, so sorry about the last one! I start school in less than a week! I cannot wait to be done!!! but I really want to enjoy my last year! I was looking at pictures, I have changed so much since last summer! last summer my hair was ten inches longer... then 0n the fateful day of August 24 2009....I chopped it off! so sad. also, my diet consisted ONLY of chocolate here is a pic I found....just one of my past lunches captured on film. It is a cappuccino chunky chocolate fancy ice cream sundae, with extra extra peanut butter, extra extra hot fudge, extra caramel, a fudge brownie underneath, the chocolate that freezes when it touches ice cream, and of course whipped cream! a total of 3000 calories! that used to be norm for me, now I resist and try so hard to not relapse! oh memories. I was about half way through when this picture was taken


11:42 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today is a sad day, my little brother and dad are leaving for Arizona. My dad will start his new job at University of Arizona in a few days, and Thomas will enroll in classes. I am so sad. My dad went to my soccer game last night, and I couldn't even play the second half because I was so upset..and I realized I would miss him so much...and I was crying the whole time! but God is in control, and He wants my daddy there, and I know it's the best thing! it's just hard being separated from him. The only reason I went to JBU was so my parents could watch me play soccer. and now he is going to miss my last season. so sad. but I will try to play really hard even though he won't be there. He also said he would surprise me a few times this season, and be cheering for me in the bleachers. It's sad watching them pack to leave. I feel bad for my mom and older brother too, because they are both sad too. I already feel an emptiness in my heart, missing them already. I need to be strong though. All of my friends at JBU have to go to school away from their parents, so it shouldn't be a big deal, but it's just not what I am used to! It's rainy today, it always rains when people I care about leave me.

here is an Arizonan sunset, my daddy and brother get to see this every night, and soon I will too.

this next picture is just one of my prom pictures from high school. I miss these days, they were so much easier.

finally, my little brother and me. we are so different, but we are so close. I like this picture because he is smiling.

I love my family, and I don't know what I will this year, not having all them with me.


7:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I think color is beautiful. I feel like people take it for granted everyday! this is such a dull gray world we live in, and I think it needs more color! color brightens my day! why don 't I wear my make up like these pictures every day!?

they are so beautiful!

... and normal lips are so boring! what about these....

what if we all just started wearing our makeup like those pictures? I think that would be so much fun!

peace and love!

fatigue and fun

8:02 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Yay for two-a-day soccer practices! seriously though, I am really enjoying them!! this has already been the hardest pre-season yet, but I know it's preparing us for this season! When I was warming up tonight I was looking around at my teammates and realized I adore all of them! well, I don't know the new girls yet, so its kinda premature to say I love them, but they all seem nice so far! but as for my returning teammates...they are truly my best friends, and I love them all! I want them all to succeed this season and have the best season ever! one of my bestest friends, annie, didn't come back this year, and its like part of me is missing, but I really think we will both grow a lot during this year being separated! plus, distance doesn't break friendships, it just makes makes the bond stronger! anyways, I am so excited for this season! and I want to do my bestest!

okay, so I always have struggled with my complexion- I have tried vitamins, prescriptions, washing it all the time, sunlight, moisturizer, no sweets, lots of water...blah. blah. blah. and it never worked, and I have always been aware of it! but guess what? I found a cure! the Neutrogena Wave! it massages your face and cleans it really deep... and it's pink! super great product! my face is clear now, and it gives me so much more confidence! I recommend all of you purchase it! now if only they made ones that had Swarovski crystals encrusted on them!

my favorite song today is crazy in love by Beyonce and Jay-Z! I think they are both amazing!!! this song just makes me happy! I remember falling in love with it years ago, and I still just love it! I want to be Beyonce, she is the best ever!


8:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
In nine months I am moving to Tuscon, Arizona. so excited. However, today murderers from Tuscon, Arizona are reeking havoc on the quaint town of Siloam Springs. helicopters, squad cars, and US marshalls are in Siloam looking for the bad guys. so, the place I currently live in is being invaded by murderers that escaped from prison in the exact location I will be moving to. that's what I call irony. Now that I am 21 I think it's time to purshase a gun. I want a pink and sparkly one, preferably one that glows in the dark. It also needs ultra-violet bullets that burn your skin and paralyze you. what? I do have the right to bear arms. and who knows? I might come in contact with more serial killers when I transition to Arizona!

okay, so while I was frying in the sun today I was quite contemplative. too bad I didn't think about applying sunscreen! anyways. I was thinking about what qualities I find attractive in boys. Below, we have my top three celebrity crushes. Adam Brody, Leonardo Dicaprio, and of course Matt "Lion Heart" Lienart. pictures provided of course.

Anyways, on the subject of boys. This summer I realized I don't want to find that person right now. I am young and want to enjoy my life! I am also ambitious and I don't want to be attached. I think God has changed my heart a lot, because I am finally understanding patience. He has placed so many wonderful things in my life, and the desire for a boy is just not one of them. I know when the time is right I will find the perfect person, and that will be so fun! but I am at a great place right now, and I want to honor God by following His will for me, instead of seeking my own selfish desires! In the mean time I will just awe over Adam, Leo, and Matt. They are simply gorgeous!

by the way, I am still thinking about my hair decision (working on not being so impulsive) but thank you so much Susan Greathouse for your wonderful advice! I really liked it, and am seriously considering it! :)

peace and love!


6:17 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
I just realized I am a very impetuous person. I make decisions so fast! I guess I just know what I want! although I am a person that loves color, I see everything in black and white/ yes and no. I hate the color gray because it implies uncertainty. The word maybe sickens me. I never regret my rash decisions, but sometimes I think I should be a bit more cautious!

last night I looked at careers for personal trainers, I found one at a Malibu resort.... and one of the perquisites requires you to do 42 push-ups in under two minutes. well...I could lower my body 42 times, but after I finished, my dad told me I didn't do any of them correctly. I have some work to do. I have been trying to get in top shape for soccer this fall, and I have been researching smart ways to get in shape...guess what? sleeping longer is better for you! apparently, it helps you make smarter decisions. so I am really going to focus on rest this year!

my hair has finally transitioned from being short to medium. now I am trying to decide what to do! It has gotten much blonder from the sun this summer, but I don't really like it (I don't think blondes have more fun) and maybe I should just dye it darker. So the decision: caramel brown or chocolate brown? and I have no bangs now! so.....side bangs or no bangs?

okay, finally...since I am trying to give up sweets I think a rewards system sounds fun! when I score my first goal this season, I am making this baby! until then, no more cookies, reeses, ice cream, and all those deliciously sinful treats!

French Chocolate Hazelnut Cake!


9:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
well, I have 48 hours of summer left! It was one of the best but also worsts summers of my life, I don't know how that happened, I will only write about the good parts.
this was the first summer I actually wanted to train for soccer! ..it's weird I love to work out, I think I only took 15 days off this entire summer. I am so thankful that my knee isn't hurting now. it's been three years and it finally feels strong. I used to love soccer, then somewhere between an ACL injury and having soccer become a tedious job...I lost my desire to play. but this summer it was revitalized. my joy for the game was restored, and great timing too..because I am about to embark on my last season. I have done my best to prepare, and now the fun part comes! I get to glorify God by doing what I love! I want to make Him happy by taking what He has put in my life and making the most of it!
I also gave up my chocolate binging. people were annoying me so much about my lifestyle, then I had an epiphany! I didn't understand that I was hurting myself and that I would have to face long-term consequences from my actions if I didn't alter my diet! its hard though, every day I wake up and want chocolate. I think about it all day, but I keep myself busy so I don't focus on it.
also, I gave up adderall! it made me a monster! I think I was getting dependent on it! I haven't taken it since june 3. I would rather be ADD and have to work extra hard in school then become a monster. thats what I was turning into, I would get angry at minuscule things, which isn't my personality type. I also felt like I was disappointing the people I felt closest to, and turning into toxic version of myself. So no more of those drugs. my personality is to addictive anyways...I used to take pain reliever as vitamins back when I had so much trouble with my knee. I would eat like 10 everyday...can't be good for my liver. so I stopped that last year.
oh, another "best" thing that happened this summer is that my daddy got a job at university of arizona!!! I am so excited for him! I will miss them so much, I am already heart sick about it.
I can't wait to graduate jbu, I really have a strong disdain towards the place. a lot has happened since I enrolled as a young and naive little girl. I have grown up and learned a lot. I am finally ready to be in the real world. I am finished resisting the inevitable. I have always been afraid of growing up, not in the sense that I don't want to be responsible, but I don't want to lose my energy, enthusiasm, and I don't want to get old physically. I realized this summer that my cheerful disposition does not depend on age, it comes from within. I can still have my child-like nature and still be a functioning adult! I have to prioritize and really focus on my duties as an grown up, but I will not become a boring old person! I will always love sparkles and bright colors and I will always have a joyful attitude even if I get wrinkly and old.
I want to focus on only a few things this year, but do them well. I want my relationship with my Savior to evolve and become stronger, I want to do my best in soccer and cherish my last year, I want to get through college and absorb as much information as possible along the way, I also want my friendships to become fortified, and become even closer to my family. I also want to take the things that bring me joy like children and helping others, and use that to help the world. I want to demonstrate God's love to others, and so that's something I am passionate about this upcoming year! I am so excited!
I have used this summer to grow, and understand myself better. I want to amplify my strengths and dissolve my weaknesses. the true test will be these next nine months when I face doubt, stress, failure and disappointment, and that's when I have to let God take over and I have to continue working hard! I am ready, and I am excited for this year!