
12:28 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
for me, deep contemplation comes most naturally late at night. Can't sleep right now, and I am thinking what is wrong with my life? I think I have been going through the motions a bit too much. Since soccer has ended, I have had this feeling that I could coast by. stay up as late as I want because I don't "need" energy for soccer, put off school work because without soccer I have more "free time", wasting my time doing pointless things, when I could be productive. I've had this feeling, no need to eat health soccer is over, I don't have to work out, I am not trying to stay in shape for anything...yes, I guess I am just making the transition, but tonight it hit me. I do not want to be mediocre, I want to be great. Not because of my own good deeds, but because of God. I don't want to take what He has granted me and waste it. I don't want to be anything less than what He wants from me. Yes, there will be times I fail, like now...but I want to emerge stronger than before I fell. I can't let stupid distractions take over, I need to keep my focus. because when my focus is Christ, then everything else falls into place correctly. when I let other things take over, the light in me quickly dims. today was a good reality check. being impetuous got me again, and it had me thinking, why? why am I hasty? I think its because I love fun, I love excitement, I love happiness. However, cheap fun and happiness can come quickly...but the fun and excitement that comes from Christ is real...temporary fun cannot compare to eternal life. therefore, my heart must be patient. I must not waste my time on foolish things. I need to keep my priorities right. my judgement gets clouded sometimes, but thank goodness its only temporary. I think today is a good day for change. today my focus will be on Christ, I will not get lazy, I will not become apathetic. I will have passion, determination, and strength to conquer anything. I want to do my best in everything I attempt... humbling experiences are often necessary for growth. there were no exclamation marks in this entry, so sorry...maybe I am feeling serious, but I think one exclamation mark is due so here it goes!!!!! okay maybe more than one was needed!

also, I love my cousin katie paige!! she is so wonderful, and she is great to talk to! even though we live hundreds of miles away, she is close in my heart and I will love her always!!!! okay here is us on christmas last year!! i can't wait until I get to see her! just threeeeeee more weeks!!!!!

10:25 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
hiiiiii!! look at me, two posts in one week! it's me again!!
we finished number 2 in conference! weeeeeeee I wish we would have got second, but it's okay because we all grew a lot during the season! Our first game in the conference tournament is Saturday! so hopefully it will go great! we have three girls that tore their ACL's! it's so sad! I feel so bad for them because I know how they feel :( it was one of the hardest times in my life, but I grew so much during that time....I am glad it happened! one of my favorite places in the world is 3dpt, and I went there for my rehab! 3dpt is not only a physical therapy place, but it also targets fitness. I learned how to work out better, and really began enjoying it! I loved the positive atmosphere, and I loved encouraging other people that working out or getting treatment! I realized that I wanted to become a personal trainer...because I love people, I love working out, and I love sharing what I have learned about fitness and training!!!! so I think God put that in my path so I would realize his plan for me!! at the time of my injury I was an education major...but after that experience I switched to exercise studies ..and I am soooo very happy now!!!!! I have never been more passionate about anything, and I am so excited to graduate so I can start my career!! sooo I know the girls that tore their ACL's will learn a lot, and I think God had this happen for a reason. I know they will struggle, but I hope they also find hope...and success rehabing!

okay that's whats on my mind today!! peace and love!

Sorry for the Delay.

8:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Hey!!! sorry its been a while! guess I have been too busy living life instead of writing about it! well, I have my last official soccer game tomorrow!! we will finish in second place if we win! Then we have the SAC tournament and if we win that...Nationals BABY! I think if we make it to nationals ...I think my team and I should make NATIONALS 2010 shirts!!! maybe a beautiful color combo pink and baby blue...or neon yellow and purple...or just something crazy and bright!! it's been a good season, I def lost interest at one point, and then my desire was reignited...but it was a rather tumultuous journey! Now its coming to a close. I will miss my friendships, I will miss racing defenders to the balls, taking shots, making passes, and pushing people out of the way to get the ball. I will miss conditioning and working out with goals in mind. after soccer is over, I will work out for pure enjoyment...I think I will stay in shape, but it will be different..I think I will forsake my thunder-thighs, and be more toned with less muscle.
I am very thankful for my friendships this year!! of course my best friends Erica and Annie are awesome, and my cousin, Katie, is the bomb! but I am also very thankful for other friendships that have grown stronger this year! A few that actually live in the same town as me.... My friend Cam has been awesome, we think a lot alike, but we are totally different. she always makes me laugh! she is the funniest person I know! and I think she is very cool, she has her own style which I really admire! I also have my own style.... but we are totally different! Emily is great too! she loves Halloween, and it cracks me up! she is one of the smartest people I know! and she hates being stereotyped as a blonde soccer player. she is so much deeper than that. she has such a complex mind that makes her so interesting! she is so unpredictable, yet I understand her completely! Heather is my closest friend that doesn't play soccer. we don't hang out as often because we are both busy, but when we get together we can talk for hours!! we are so girly together always getting our nails done, going shopping, hot tubbing, and having girl talk! she has amazing style and is an artist. her eye make up is a work of art! she is super fun, and we love being together! everyone on my soccer team is awesome, I think thats what I will miss most about it ending. because I love each one of them so much. Ashleigh, my old roommate is so fun, she is also really hilarious, and one of the most talented people I know! she can do hair, make up, cook/bake the most amazing things, and do a million other weird but super cool things. she is really goofy, but can also be very serious. I think she is brilliant as well. I am very thankful for Camille because she was my work out partner this summer and we encouraged each other a lot. we are both really ambitious and its refreshing to be around someone that is also really goal-oriented. she is often misunderstood because I think she is one of the sweetest people I know and has a good heart. needless to say, I love and adore my friends...and I am so appreciative of them!! God puts people in your life for a reason!!!!! and each of my friends are different and I don't think they would all be friends with each other, but they each bring something special into my life!

oh! I am reading a book called.. CRAZY LOVE....recommended by my assistant coach and friend, Michaela Brannan! I am LOVING's totally reminding me how selfish I am! my only purpose is to love God and spread His love!!! life gets so complicated and I inflict unnecessary stress upon myself. I just need to glorify God. I am still in the beginning of it..but I will write more about it on my next entry!

finally, I came to a realization...I replaced being a shopping!!! i love it!! I think I am always waiting on something I ordered in the mail. as soon as I receive my package..I get online to buy something else! currently I am waiting in the mail for....shampoo/conditioner, lip gloss, a sweater, boots, and I think thats all. yep. I am addicted. I decided tonight its bad. I need to fix it. i need to save money...not be so frivolous! it's also selfish because its stuff I don't need, and I just talked about how I am selfish and thats bad.... well I admitted my guilt and I will being working to alleviate my problem.

okay, I am done! peace and love!!