6:17 PM Edit This 1 Comment »I just realized I am a very impetuous person. I make decisions so fast! I guess I just know what I want! although I am a person that loves color, I see everything in black and white/ yes and no. I hate the color gray because it implies uncertainty. The word maybe sickens me. I never regret my rash decisions, but sometimes I think I should be a bit more cautious!
last night I looked at careers for personal trainers, I found one at a Malibu resort.... and one of the perquisites requires you to do 42 push-ups in under two minutes. well...I could lower my body 42 times, but after I finished, my dad told me I didn't do any of them correctly. I have some work to do. I have been trying to get in top shape for soccer this fall, and I have been researching smart ways to get in shape...guess what? sleeping longer is better for you! apparently, it helps you make smarter decisions. so I am really going to focus on rest this year!
my hair has finally transitioned from being short to medium. now I am trying to decide what to do! It has gotten much blonder from the sun this summer, but I don't really like it (I don't think blondes have more fun) and maybe I should just dye it darker. So the decision: caramel brown or chocolate brown? and I have no bangs now! so.....side bangs or no bangs?
okay, finally...since I am trying to give up sweets I think a rewards system sounds fun! when I score my first goal this season, I am making this baby! until then, no more cookies, reeses, ice cream, and all those deliciously sinful treats!
French Chocolate Hazelnut Cake!
you're my inspiration! haha i'm pretty sure you are already in shape, but way to go! And I agree...brunettes are way better ;)
i like you with dark hair, and long and bangs could be fun too (they're in according to teen vogue)
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